How to speak for soul-impact and soul-income to create unlimited moneygasms with Rosalyn Fung

How to speak for soul-impact and soul-income to create unlimited moneygasms with Rosalyn Fung

Speak for soul-impact and soul-income – This video is a behind the scenes look at Corey Poirier‘s Speaker/Writer/Podcaster Bootcamp 😍 

At this Bootcamp, Rosalyn Fung (Shooting Star Woman) enlightened us, as to how we can speak for impact and income, but on a soul level. And how to crush it with our heart ignition.

In a nutshell, she taught us how to create soulgasmic impact and moneygasms, and be boldly unapologetically you!

There are a multiverse of meaningful things which I learned from her, which inspires me to take more courageous action, but in a way which is unapologetically and boldly visible, to scale and grow my soul mission and my life purpose as The Asexual Entrepreneur. And I want to reveal some of those things to you now, to help you on your own soul-centred life journey.

Rosalyn shared how she went from Breakdown to Breakthrough using her secret 8 Ps, for more impact and income, from a love and light centred place.

I learned 8 Ps from Rosalyn, Bold Sexy Warrior, which were:

1) Purpose, Plan and Prepare – Knowledge isn’t power, taking that knowledge and implementing it is power. She hates it when people say charge your worth, because you’re worth is infinite, so don’t charge your worth, charge the worth of your services. Which I totally agree with. And also, have your signature talk on your laptop, in case you need to host a talk on the fly, or someone goes off sick and you become the centre stage speaker, which is what happened to her. So always show up with soul and strategy.

2) Passion – Talk about what you’re passionate about, speak with your heart and lead with your heart.

3) Positioning – Create Authority and Credibility in your niche. Share photos of your achievements on socials, and put “featured on”, including if you have published a book, got on a podcast, got on a TV or radio show, or landed a Ted Talk. Just do it! Take photos in the lead up to the event to create excitement, and after the event has happened. Share photos of your face, in the moment, so your audience can easily emotionally connect with you.

4) Power Inside-out – Attend networking events. And if you go somewhere and have a booth, always try to be a speaker too, because then you can drive people during your talk to your booth, and afterwards soulfully sell them your VIP 1:1 coaching package if they’re the right fit for you and a F*ck Yeah! Confidence only comes from taking courageous action and by practicing that. As an affirmation, say to yourself, clients love paying me £100,000. Adopt expansive, high power, open body language poses, where you look like a warrior Wonder Woman; powerful, bold and strong, with your hands on your hips, in your essence and glory, as you are more likely to be hired for a position or have people want to work with you.

5) Presence – Be attuned to your audience and notice what’s going on in the room, whether that be a virtual room or a live speaking event. Feel the energy and if it’s low, or you’re losing their attention, do something that involves them, to bring them back to the present moment and get them to pay attention. One of the ways you can do this effectively, is to ask them a question.

6) Play – Everyone has an inner child. So help bring the inner child out in your audience and connect with their younger soul self. You can do this by saying something funny and incorporating humour into what you do. You can also get people using their phones. You can use sound and meditation that involve your audience. Make sure they feel like you are including them, not taking at them. The audience love it when you tell stories and go off script.

7) Promotion – 3 affirmations to use to help you to feel good about promoting yourself and your products and services are:

A) It’s safe for me to promote myself and my business.

b) When I’m sharing my message, my gifts and offerings with the world, I’m being in service.

c) I deserve to receive the energetic exchange of money, for the soul impact I create in this world.

You can say at the end of your talk, if you resonate with this, you.

😎 Partnerships – Great relationships are the new currency. In order to reach your soul clients, ask yourself, who are your peers and colleagues that have the same soul clients as you, who compliment your work? Find those people and create great relationships with them and partner with them. Join each other’s affiliate programs, joint venture with them, and refer each other. It’s a win-win-win.

So say yes to sharing your message! Yes to soulgasmic impact, and yes to moneygasms, from monetising your calling.