bLU Talks Asexual Entrepreneur Sandra Bellamy Asexuality Interview On Amplify Your Message: Mission / Journey / Transformation

Sandra Bellamy interview on bLU Talks Amplify Your Message

The 2 biggest mistakes anyone makes in selling a product or service.  

  1. They don’t build an audience first, so there is no demand for what they are selling, or not enough buyers/clients.
  2. They don’t continue to build that audience and market themselves as their brand. So not enough people know about them and what they do, so there isn’t enough buyers/clients.

One of the best ways to build, maintain, and sustain an audience, and amplify your message to the world, is to get on as many podcasts, YouTubes shows, and in as many articles as possible. With this is mind, I’m trying to up my game with getting featured on as many more podcasts and YouTube shows as possible. It’s not always easy, but its doable, with patience, persistence, determination, and a can-do – never give up attitude. Listen to my talk about asexuality on bLU Talks Amplify Your Message show, by clicking through the video below – or here – my talk starts at 2:14:32.


bLU Talks is an inspiring and educational channel and brand, focused on helping people to get ahead in their business and life and connecting souls from all over the universe to share their message to the world and amplify it, in order to spread awareness about a range of topics that matter and make a difference to people’s lives. b = business L = Life U = Universe. (And yes, they use a lower case b.)

Corey Poirier bLU Talks Amplify Your Message

In fact, in February 2023, I attended their Experts Bootcamp and I joined the Founder Corey Poirier’s 3 public speaking programmes: Authorpreneurship and Speakerpreneurship Masterclass, The Speaking Program 2023 and the TedX Masterclass 2023. Corey Poirier is a multiple-time TEDx, and sought-after Keynote, Speaker. As well as a multiple-time number 1 best selling Author. I’m going to be a speaker for bLU Talks on 23rd October 2023 at Oxford University and I’m going to be in one of their soon to be published compilation bLU Talks books featuring Ken Honda from Mind Valley. Investing in myself with these programmes was not cheap, but it is worth every penny for all the ongoing networking and training we get each month.

Over the years I’ve succeeded in reaching a global audience talking about asexuality, and my channel, has now reached over 600,000 views. But there’s still a lot more work I have to do to fulfil my asexuality life mission. So I’m trying to get on as many podcasts and YouTube shows as possible – especially those with a huge audience. If you know someone who wants to interview me, please get in touch that’s not an invite to spam me.

On Friday 23rd June 2023, I had the pleasure of being a guest on bLU Talks Amplify Your Message show, talking about asexuality, what it is, and dispelling the myth that asexuality is a choice – it’s not.

I share my own asexual life journey and about my specific asexuality mission, and I bust through a common myth about asexuality.

I explain how asexuality has literally transformed my life for the better, forever. 

This video is on the bLU Talks channel. Please give it a watch here and let me know what you think. My talk starts at 2:14:32.

Always believe in yourself and your journey – because it’s the journey that truly changes your life. Sandra xx